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Jul 02, 2011 rated it it was amazing
This diet really works, at least it did for me. I've been reading some reviews where people say it's too strict etc etc. Well yeah it is. Dieting and weight loss will never be easy. All diet books probably work, the thing is to stick with it and not cheat (too often) ;). I've lost 53 pounds so far since I started 10 weeks ago and I've change the way I eat and what I eat. Give it a try. This diet really works, at least it did for me. I've been reading some reviews where people say it's too strict etc etc. Well yeah it is. Dieting and weight loss will never be easy. All diet books probably work, the thing is to stick with it and not cheat (too often) ;). I've lost 53 pounds so far since I started 10 weeks ago and I've change the way I eat and what I eat. Give it a try. ...more
Tara Lynn
Let me preface my review by saying, I've NEVER dieted in my life. I'm 28, 5'3", 129lbs, and this is the heaviest I've ever been. While some of my friends will tell me that my spreading hips and little tuck of tummy fat are normal for a woman my age, I'm tired of hearing it.

I was a ballet dancer for over 15 years, and while many people think that this may have given me a skewed outlook on my body, I can assure you that it hasn't. I'm annoyed to wake up and not see muscle tone in the mirror. I co

Let me preface my review by saying, I've NEVER dieted in my life. I'm 28, 5'3", 129lbs, and this is the heaviest I've ever been. While some of my friends will tell me that my spreading hips and little tuck of tummy fat are normal for a woman my age, I'm tired of hearing it.

I was a ballet dancer for over 15 years, and while many people think that this may have given me a skewed outlook on my body, I can assure you that it hasn't. I'm annoyed to wake up and not see muscle tone in the mirror. I could care less about the curves I (finally!) grew into in my 20's, so long as the fat's appropriately proportioned to the good! places.

I'm not a fan of diets. I'm active; a full time worker and a half time nightime student. I run around like crazy, am an avid weekend equestrian, and can't stand how slowly the tourists move on Manhattan streets at rush hour. I also LOVE food, and cooking. There's nothing more relaxing for me than dreaming up a pasta dish from scratch, and sitting down to enjoy it with friends and family.

My problem is three-fold:

1. If it tastes good, portion control is thrown out the window. (I'm not talking about fast food. I'm talking about home cooked, carb-loaded, amazing dishes that usually require Paula Deen amounts of butter, salt, fats, etc.)

2. I live a VERY high stress life. Often, I forget to eat completely, possibly for two to three days. By the time I come up for air and remember that food exists beyond protein bars and a bag of chips, I've now scarfed down a "starvation" meal that may include 3-4K of calories rich in fats and complex sugars.

3. I keep telling my best friend that I must be an Italian girl by some mistake of breeding. I have yet to meet a pasta dish I'll walk away from, and my love of all things carb-related is legendary. Jackie and I often say that if we're stuck on a desert island, all we'll need for survival is a huge loaf of italian bread, some olive oil, and cheese to eat with it.

I picked up this book based on the recommendation from several co-workers who are now in the 2nd and 3rd cycles. One of them has lost 6 lbs after cycles 1 and 2, and the other has lost close to 15. I'll post an update after I finish each cycle to see how it goes. I'm not a dieter, but I do need to eat healthier, so I'm going to take a chance on this one.

Cycle One, Day One

Breakfast - Egg White Omlette with Spinach, Tomatoes, Onions, Broccoli, Feta Cheese and Turkey Bacon

2 cups of Lipton Green tea (superfruit selection – with blueberry and acai)

Lunch – this was tricky. My boyfriend stopped smoking, so he HAD to celebrate one week smoke free at the Olive Garden. Luckily, they have a grilled chicken with vegetables order, and I filled up on the endless salad beforehand. I shoved the breadsticks down by his end of the table, so as not to be tempted.

Dinner – Sauteed chicken tenders with olive oil, toasted garlic, onion, roasted red pepper, sundried tomatoes, fresh parsley, and green beans, with a dash of hot red pepper flakes.

I'm almost through day one, and I'm not going to lie. I'm thinking about fettuccini alfredo like a dehydrated sailor dreams of water. I'll let you know when I'm through Day 2.

Day 1 - 129 lbs

Cross posted to my Live Journal, with daily updates for my diet outlook at alteripseamicus.livejournal.com

Day Two, Cycle One –

I woke up this morning salivating about Chinese breakfast – stir-fried egg noodles with vegetables and egg, topped with sriaracha hot sauce (extra for me, please) and steamed chicken buns (bao.) There's this great Chinese place in Manhattan on 48th st that serves breakfast, along with a host of other dishes that make it shine. I'm craving carbs like an alcoholic craves vodka. According to the women in my office, (and Dr. Moreno's book) this probably means that I'm addicted to sugar. Honestly, this might be harder than I thought it would be.

Last night I had one cheat moment. Right before bed, I found myself reaching into the fridge and pouring myself 4 oz of chocolate almond milk. I was halfway through it before I could summon up the inclination to feel guilty.

Today isn't horrible, per se, but it definitely could have been better. I feel less bloated, but that could also be my jeans, a favorite, well-broken in pair from the GAP that I was also wearing yesterday.

Breakfast – a 6 oz cup of Dannon Fruit on the Bottom Strawberry yogurt, 1 Granny Smith Apple, and 2 mugs of green tea.

Lunch – Baked Filet of Sole stuffed with crab meat and shrimp from Café Manhattan on 45th, with a side of steamed broccoli and carrots, and a side serving of edamame. More tea, this time an unsweetened peach white tea.

Dinner – Steamed Chinese Chicken and Broccoli with brown sauce on the side, dunked into egg drop soup with sriracha.

***Final results: I lost 6 lbs in one week, before my boyfriend and I had a discussion about discontinuing this diet due to dangerously low blood sugar levels. ***

Karen Locklear
The review for this book will be fluid. So stay tuned, my friends, stay tuned:

Day Nineteen:

Well, it was inevitable.

Time to chat about the PMS chapter.

Although I'm no doctor, I really believe much of what we call "PMS" is part of the game and there isn't much anyone can do to prevent it. I have yet to find a plan which keeps me from bloating or cramping for three to five days.

That being said, many symptoms reduce when I exercise regularly and eat right. In fact, I will tell you this month my p

The review for this book will be fluid. So stay tuned, my friends, stay tuned:

Day Nineteen:

Well, it was inevitable.

Time to chat about the PMS chapter.

Although I'm no doctor, I really believe much of what we call "PMS" is part of the game and there isn't much anyone can do to prevent it. I have yet to find a plan which keeps me from bloating or cramping for three to five days.

That being said, many symptoms reduce when I exercise regularly and eat right. In fact, I will tell you this month my period has been shorter, lighter, and I cramped for maybe a day and the rest was pretty unintense.

(I know you guys really wanted to hear that, right?)

And, no, I'm not reporting any weight loss this week. Typically, I gain a whopping five or seven pounds during "that time of the month". I weighed myself after day one and saw a gain of five pounds, so I decided not to weigh myself again until next week when it all disappears and things are back to "normal".

Of course within a week it's gone again.

So here's to next week. I'm staying relatively on track. I'll tell ya more about cycle two then. . .

Day Twelve: After eleven days, I can tell you this:

1. I lost 9.6 pounds last week and about three pounds this week, and I've been sitting in the same place for five days or so. I'm assuming my body is catching up. But I don't like it.

2. I'm telling myself that probably most of that ten pounds was water. So the fact that I haven't gained five, is a miracle unto itself.

3. Since I'm impatient, the typical lose two or three pounds a week for me is really a better approach. But again, I'm sticking to the plan, at least through cycle three. And I'm looking forward to sweet potato "fries" next week.

4. I want to eat bread something awful. This isn't typical for me. But I haven't had bread in quite awhile . . .

5. Not to be gross, but I'm constipated. Need to eat more green veggies.

Anyway, I'm ten or twelve pounds lighter than I was two weeks ago. So I'm trying to be happy. My pants are looser. I just wish this didn't take so long . . .

Day Six: After six days of this diet, I can tell you the following:

1. You will be hungry. Not horribly hungry, just you will be for a variety of reasons.
For me part of this is psychological. There is a level of fullness that we accept as fat Americans as being appropriate, which, well, isn't. I'm not dying. And even after six days I've discovered that part lessening-- although I'm kinda craving bread right now-- or maybe the 100 calorie pack of almonds I so often eat in the afternoons.

2. It's a little awkward. Not horribly awkward. Just a little because of the serious dependence upon lean protein. For instance I found myself defrosting chicken for a snack. That, my friends, is bizarre to me.

3. If you don't like green tea, chicken/ lean turkey, or veggies, this diet is not your friend. Actually, I don't know what diet you should do. Good luck with that one.

4. I am not quite halfway through cycle one (accelerate). As of now, I am determined to go through at least all three cycles (there is a fourth-- maintenance-- I'm not saying I'm skipping it, but if I'm not happy by the end of cycle three, I'm not selling my soul to the plan, ya know?) as a personal experiment for myself. Stay tuned, my friends, stay tuned.

FYI: Minus the griping, I am 9.4 pounds lighter after five full days. Probably this is why I'm hungry. :)

Right now I'm recommending this one. We shall see how I feel later . . .

Okay, I really just scanned this book because, lets be honest, who is going to sit down and read every inch of a diet book? I'm counting it towards my weekly reading anyway though.

I heard about this book via my day-time television browsing on The Doctors and Doctor Phil. The concept was intriguing (going through a 17 day cycle to help keep you motivated through the dieting process). I didn't want to invest the money to buy the book so I waited for it to come into the library and then onto my hol

Okay, I really just scanned this book because, lets be honest, who is going to sit down and read every inch of a diet book? I'm counting it towards my weekly reading anyway though.

I heard about this book via my day-time television browsing on The Doctors and Doctor Phil. The concept was intriguing (going through a 17 day cycle to help keep you motivated through the dieting process). I didn't want to invest the money to buy the book so I waited for it to come into the library and then onto my hold list. And I read it while I ate lunch today.

The concepts in the book are not revolutionary but Dr. Moreno's approach is simple and straightforward, which I think is the real novel idea for this particular approach. The main idea is that people can stick to any plan if they only have to focus on it for a relatively short period of time. There are four cycles in this diet and each cycle is 17 days in length (except for the last which is the way to maintain or "Arrive"). Cycle 1 involves lots of lean protein and veggies, very small amounts of fruits and probiotics. Cycle 2 widens the scope a little more. Cycle 3 introduces some natural starches and such. Cycle 4 is finding a happy way to continue doing this general eating as a maintenance level. The great thing about all these different cycles is that there are not a lot of strict rules, counting calories, or using strange fake fat things (though he does mention some). It is really about getting back to whole foods, just with a particular focus on certain categories for short periods of time.

I haven't tried the diet so I cannot speak to its effectiveness at this point. The proof is in the pudding of course. I think I'll try it for at least the first cycle. *Moreno notes that if you don't want to loose a ton of weight you may just do the first cycle and then move on to the fourth. Or if you want to lose a lot, you can go through the first three cycles and then start back at the beginning to get another round of the super charged weight dropping.*

Oct 16, 2011 rated it it was ok
The whole time I read this book, I couldn't help but think about how hungry I was. Reading about food for 2-3 hours makes it really hard to not want to eat something for sure!

I wanted to read this book start to finish so that I would get something out of it. I always check out "diet books" from the Library expecting them to 'change my life'... and they don't. But I figured that I could take the time to read one cover to cover and see if I got any new insights out of the book than I knew before.

The whole time I read this book, I couldn't help but think about how hungry I was. Reading about food for 2-3 hours makes it really hard to not want to eat something for sure!

I wanted to read this book start to finish so that I would get something out of it. I always check out "diet books" from the Library expecting them to 'change my life'... and they don't. But I figured that I could take the time to read one cover to cover and see if I got any new insights out of the book than I knew before.

I felt like all of his advice was advice that I had already heard before: from doctors, work-out programs, personal trainers, etc. It was just more expounded upon as to why it works and why it is healthy for you. I like how the author makes dieting and exercise seem so simple. I really like how he motivates and breaks it up into something do-able. But I still felt like it wasn't anything "new," anything that I hadn't already heard before.

The one section that I did like of this book was the PMS section, it gave such wonderful food suggestions for taking away PMS symptoms. I haven't yet, but will, copy down highlights so that when I experience any of the PMS symptoms, I know which foods to eat (and not to eat) which will help bloating/headaches/mood swings/etc. go away. I really did enjoy that section of the book.

Other than that one section, I don't think that I'll pick this book up again. But I would recommend the book to anyone who is looking to make lifestyle changes and start loosing serious weight. Anyone who doesn't already eat 4-5 servings of veggies a day & someone who rarely does any type of physical exercise.

May 17, 2011 rated it really liked it
I won this book in a Goodreads First Reads give away! Thank you!

After reading this book, I have to say the information is not revolutionary but it is written in an easy to read format.

This diet is split into 4 cycles. The first focuses mostly on protein and veggies. The second phase adds in lean meats, natural starches, and starchy vegetables. Phase 3 adds in breads, pastas, more fruits, and more snack options. The fourth phase talks about maintaining healthy eating for life and talks about por

I won this book in a Goodreads First Reads give away! Thank you!

After reading this book, I have to say the information is not revolutionary but it is written in an easy to read format.

This diet is split into 4 cycles. The first focuses mostly on protein and veggies. The second phase adds in lean meats, natural starches, and starchy vegetables. Phase 3 adds in breads, pastas, more fruits, and more snack options. The fourth phase talks about maintaining healthy eating for life and talks about portions.

For me the first phase would be the hardest because it is a total detox of sugars and starches. However I do like the idea that each phase only lasts 17 days. It seems more doable when there is a set time limit for each. And I like that the phases change things up by adding new foods. Another think I like is that there is no calorie counting. Dr. Moreno gives a specific list of what foods you can eat and how much, so that takes the guess work out of it. Each phase also includes suggested meal plans so you know what to eat.

Here's how I feel about it. The diet is strict and limiting, especially during the first 17 days. But it makes sense. Cut out the starches and sugars and then slowly add things back in, in moderation. I think it's something I am willing to try. It's only 17 days!

Steven Peterson
I am quite pleased with this diet. I tried Atkins once and lost 20 pounds in a fairly short period of time. But then, like many others, I started gaining it back (Atkins is a horrid diet if one enjoys food). I went to the Shangra-La diet and halted the weight gain, but I was much disillusioned with Atkins (I can't tell you how many people I saw loose a lot of weight--and then gain it back). The unrelenting attack on carbs makes Atkins unattractive to me.

The odd thing? This diet is a cousin of At

I am quite pleased with this diet. I tried Atkins once and lost 20 pounds in a fairly short period of time. But then, like many others, I started gaining it back (Atkins is a horrid diet if one enjoys food). I went to the Shangra-La diet and halted the weight gain, but I was much disillusioned with Atkins (I can't tell you how many people I saw loose a lot of weight--and then gain it back). The unrelenting attack on carbs makes Atkins unattractive to me.

The odd thing? This diet is a cousin of Atkins (high protein and reduction in carbs), but with common sense added. One can use whole grain pasta, for example. Atkins pasta was about as tasty as cardboard, but whole grain pasta is fine. Whole grains as acceptable makes this much more palatable.

I have found that apples and berries and yogurt is tasty enough to be rewarding as a part of the overall diet. The creator of this diet allows for an evolution, with a bit more flexibility in the second phase (as needed) compared to the first phase. That is where I am now, and I find the diet not overly restrictive. My will power is much stronger when I am enjoying the diet!

Anyhow, worth thinking about if one wants to lose some weight and have an enjoyable diet in the process.

Jun 14, 2011 rated it liked it
Just wanted to put a note on that I am enjoying being on this diet plan. I went through the first 17 days and lost inches off my back and chest, which has made it possible for me to wear some button up blouses that have not been out of my closet for a while. :) My pants are baggy and fall down on my waist. This is an easy to follow plan for me because of my love for protein and veggies. It is also great to have the fresh fruit twice a day. I am now into Phase 2 of the plan and enjoying it as wel Just wanted to put a note on that I am enjoying being on this diet plan. I went through the first 17 days and lost inches off my back and chest, which has made it possible for me to wear some button up blouses that have not been out of my closet for a while. :) My pants are baggy and fall down on my waist. This is an easy to follow plan for me because of my love for protein and veggies. It is also great to have the fresh fruit twice a day. I am now into Phase 2 of the plan and enjoying it as well. I may never hit the point where I am moving this book to the "read" shelf, because I like some of the recipes and certainly plan to stay on this plan until I reach a healthier weight and smaller size. I'm a slow learner. The author says that you should walk every day, and of course I thought tending my garden was hard enough work sometimes to be considered exercise, but it isn't, so now I'm walking. I found a nice walking area that I feel comfortable walking in by myself. Hooray! ...more
May 10, 2012 rated it really liked it
This book works and its effective. The writing style is very easy to understand and the doctor who wrote it has a good sense of humor. He doesn't make what he is telling you boring or repiticious. I have done it before with good results. I started a serious exercise program again now that a serious leg and ankle injury seems to be healed (it is, I just can tolerate the stress on it again after 3 months off) and started this diet again. First day- 3lbs gone. Not too shabby. It promises 10-15lbs i This book works and its effective. The writing style is very easy to understand and the doctor who wrote it has a good sense of humor. He doesn't make what he is telling you boring or repiticious. I have done it before with good results. I started a serious exercise program again now that a serious leg and ankle injury seems to be healed (it is, I just can tolerate the stress on it again after 3 months off) and started this diet again. First day- 3lbs gone. Not too shabby. It promises 10-15lbs in the first 17 days. Last time I did it I lost 12.5lbs in 17 days. I am hoping for 15 this go round on phase one. I would also like to note that the book only recommends about 20 minutes of exercise on phase 1 (accelerate) and I am doing at least an hour (6 days a week). I find I have better results with more exercise. Seriously obese people who are not used to exercise would be better off listening to the advice to take the exercise slow because I still think the results would work out. ...more
Michelle Brown
I can imagine that you can lose weight on this diet - in spite of all the hype and how you can do anything for 17 days, blah, blah, blah - this is a VERY restrictive diet. I do like the concept of the final phase of the diet where you eat according to plan all week and then Fri - Sun you get a meal of your choosing. I have done the South Beach diet and was looking for another type of kick start and some new recipes. There are barely any recipes in the book - it was very disappointing! Following I can imagine that you can lose weight on this diet - in spite of all the hype and how you can do anything for 17 days, blah, blah, blah - this is a VERY restrictive diet. I do like the concept of the final phase of the diet where you eat according to plan all week and then Fri - Sun you get a meal of your choosing. I have done the South Beach diet and was looking for another type of kick start and some new recipes. There are barely any recipes in the book - it was very disappointing! Following the basics of the South Beach diet seems much easier and less restrictive to me - I'll stick with what I know works. ...more
Jen Smith
This diet was tough for me to stick to. I think I got caught up in the hype and was so excited to lose a large amount of weight in the first phase. It didn't work well for me. I made it through the first 6 days, and saw minimal change on the scale, which was beyond frustrating. Giving up carbs completely is HARD, so I needed to see progress for my efforts! After that, I decided to allow a few carbs, and then the number on the scale actually moved. I do like some of the changes it inspired, like This diet was tough for me to stick to. I think I got caught up in the hype and was so excited to lose a large amount of weight in the first phase. It didn't work well for me. I made it through the first 6 days, and saw minimal change on the scale, which was beyond frustrating. Giving up carbs completely is HARD, so I needed to see progress for my efforts! After that, I decided to allow a few carbs, and then the number on the scale actually moved. I do like some of the changes it inspired, like 8 glasses of water a day, lots of veggies, etc. I plan to continue with that not only for the weight loss, but my blood sugar numbers are the lowest they've been in 2 years. ...more
Crystal Wachoski
This is pretty basic information. Nothing new and life changing. I thought the weight chart was a little insane. I'm 5'3 and 116 pounds, small frame. I would look sickly if I weighed under 100 pounds.

I will use this book as a go to if I get more than a few pounds more then my weight limit.

Easy terms and written to be easy to understand.

This is pretty basic information. Nothing new and life changing. I thought the weight chart was a little insane. I'm 5'3 and 116 pounds, small frame. I would look sickly if I weighed under 100 pounds.

I will use this book as a go to if I get more than a few pounds more then my weight limit.

Easy terms and written to be easy to understand.

My mom heard about this through her friends and she's been dying to try this diet. We seen several people go through this diet and great results have occurred from it. I think that I may go on it with my mom (but tailor it to my life). I'll see how it goes. My mom heard about this through her friends and she's been dying to try this diet. We seen several people go through this diet and great results have occurred from it. I think that I may go on it with my mom (but tailor it to my life). I'll see how it goes. ...more
Mar 08, 2013 rated it really liked it
I think I will put this diet to the test!
Nov 01, 2017 rated it really liked it
The first 17 days of this diet is a little rough, basically just chicken/turkey/fish & vegetables, but I found after awhile, I lost cravings for specific foods. If I was hungry, I was just hungry, not ravenous for pizza, chocolate, etc. There are 4 stages: Accelerate (first 17 days), Activate (next 17 days where you can add beef, pork, etc. every other day), Achieve (next 17 days where you can add some breads & starches), then Arrive where you can choose from all 3 cycles and take breaks on the The first 17 days of this diet is a little rough, basically just chicken/turkey/fish & vegetables, but I found after awhile, I lost cravings for specific foods. If I was hungry, I was just hungry, not ravenous for pizza, chocolate, etc. There are 4 stages: Accelerate (first 17 days), Activate (next 17 days where you can add beef, pork, etc. every other day), Achieve (next 17 days where you can add some breads & starches), then Arrive where you can choose from all 3 cycles and take breaks on the weekends. I'm trying to stay with a combination of Activate and Achieve as I find leaving out bread helps control my appetite. I did try several of the recipes in the back of the book and would have to give a shout out to the Chicken-Vegetable soup. It really was delicious. Overall, I think this diet is simple and achievable, and the first 17 days you will definitely drop weight quickly. ...more
Ross Heinricy
Apr 04, 2020 rated it really liked it
A very information intensive book. Dr. Moreno not only explains the how but he makes it a prerogative to explain the why as well. This is the first book I have ever read on dieting but I found it to be packed with information and explanation. Very reader friendly.
evelena robinson
This book really works. You Definitely lose weight. Love it
Sky Greene
Jun 25, 2019 rated it really liked it
Broken down in to steps and cycles in an easy way. Lots of recipes listed, including for those around dietary restrictions and allergies.
Kristin Stevens
Jackie Berke
I don't eat fish chicken or pork I don't eat fish chicken or pork ...more
May 16, 2011 rated it really liked it
Review provided by Black Lagoon Reviews:

This isn't my typical review, nor my typical review material. However, the concept of dieting and weight management is something of a universal issue. My stance is usually pretty simple. If you're happy with you then that's all that really matters. But, there does eventually come a time when you want to drop a few pounds and strive to better yourself. As I've kept it no secret, I am about to begin school to become an EMT, and in so doing I wanted to get ri

Review provided by Black Lagoon Reviews:

This isn't my typical review, nor my typical review material. However, the concept of dieting and weight management is something of a universal issue. My stance is usually pretty simple. If you're happy with you then that's all that really matters. But, there does eventually come a time when you want to drop a few pounds and strive to better yourself. As I've kept it no secret, I am about to begin school to become an EMT, and in so doing I wanted to get rid of a few extra pounds in order to better prepare for the rigors that this profession presents and therefore, this diet sounded like an interesting way to accomplish it.

So let me begin by saying, my dieting mantra has and will always be 'moderation'. Eat what you want, when you want, but in small portions. This dieting regiment also sticks by those guidelines therefore this sounded like a good fit for me. What didn't sit so well with me was giving up bread and potatoes, two of my favorite foods. So my results weren't exactly what you would expect if I'd actually stuck completely to the plan. But, I did limit my intake versus giving up my favorite foods completely. Otherwise, this diet was pretty much an extension of the way that I eat anyway.

The result therefore weren't as monumental as what the cover promised, however, by sticking more rigorously to this plan and altering my diet minimally I did loose quite a bit and do feel better. Ultimately, though, I didn't see any great results then I did with the 'Sugar Busters' diet from some years back as this is just another variation of it.

Now something else I should be upfront about. I did not read this book cover to cover, instead skimmed the portions pertaining to the diet itself, because really, who is going to read through all of the jargon and explanations. Either you try it and it works or you try it and it doesn't. They whys and hows of it seem fairly irrelevant to me.

Ultimately, if you are serious about dieting then this book makes sense and offers up a rigid set of guidelines to optimize your weight loss. If you're like me, however, it offers up a set of idea to slowly change the way you eat to come round to a healthier lifestyle. In the end, it does work, the diet makes sense, and the book approaches it in a way that is accessible to the dieter. Definitely a good place to start.

I am not much of a dieter. The last time I tried to use a book to diet I may have gotten really drunk…no, I don't want to talk about it, it wasn't pretty…or maybe it was, you'll have to ask my friends. I don't see the point in working out. It wasn't until I started teaching that I even began gaining weight that I didn't like and, as I found out after reading, I may not be in the right mind set to diet.
When I saw that Free Press was offering The 17 Day Diet for review, I thought, "I can do this
I am not much of a dieter. The last time I tried to use a book to diet I may have gotten really drunk…no, I don't want to talk about it, it wasn't pretty…or maybe it was, you'll have to ask my friends. I don't see the point in working out. It wasn't until I started teaching that I even began gaining weight that I didn't like and, as I found out after reading, I may not be in the right mind set to diet.
When I saw that Free Press was offering The 17 Day Diet for review, I thought, "I can do this I can read a book (which is harder than you think when you've got a job, a kid, and other books that are wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more interesting to read) and diet (including whatever the book said I needed to do) for 17 days to see the results!". Many of you are snickering right now because you know how naïve I was being, you know that the 17 day diet isn't just 17 days and you know that reading a diet book is harder than it seems and you know that I am/was/am way in over my head.
It took me until this past Saturday to read the friggin' book, a book full of side comments that I'm not sure I find motivating, although I think they are meant to be. This book is quite informative, even if you don't partake of the 51 day, and counting, diet (I suppose it's like being pregnant they say it's 9 months, it's actually 10) you can learn all sorts of facts about the benefits of alcohol, the benefits of being slightly overweight, good fats, bad fats and, frankly, I didn't know that (according to my height and build) I AM 40 FRIGGIN' pounds overweight. Sadly, even this has not motivated me to diet.
What has motivated me? What has kept me reading? The pudge, the waistline, the pant size, need I go on…and, while my mind may not be ready the rest of me was ready 5 years ago. So, what am I doing, I'm getting the husband involved, I'm getting my friends involved and well, we are tackling Cycle 1 of the 17 Day Diet Plan. Truly the plan seems doable, that is as long as these people can make up for the willpower I lack!
Book Him Danno
Dr. Mike seems like a great guy and his writing is fun and easy to read. I think its great he helps his patient's get healthy and even goes out on walks with them. But after reading this book I have to say that this is nothing new and amazing. I see this as every other diet out there, the name catches you right off but it's the same idea. Cut calories by cutting out most carbs and exercise. Yes people there is no magic formula to losing weight it is an equations of food in vs. calories expended. Dr. Mike seems like a great guy and his writing is fun and easy to read. I think its great he helps his patient's get healthy and even goes out on walks with them. But after reading this book I have to say that this is nothing new and amazing. I see this as every other diet out there, the name catches you right off but it's the same idea. Cut calories by cutting out most carbs and exercise. Yes people there is no magic formula to losing weight it is an equations of food in vs. calories expended. If you eat more then you use in a day you gain weight and if you eat less then you burn in a day you lose weight. Its basic and no matter how they package it, it is that simple.

This idea of 17 days to lose weight is great, but no different than any other diet. Cut carbs out and eat more lean proteins and vegetable. Exercise 17 minutes a day, or like he likes to say at least two 17 minute sessions is preferable. The more you move the more you burn.

Yes, you can lose weight following this diet, but you can lose weight following any diet, the secret is to stick with the new eating plan by not going back to your old ways of eating. Your old ways got you where you are, do you like what you see in the mirror? If so then keep eating what you're eating, if not then cut out the crap and exercise more everyday and in no time you will lose the unwanted weight and feel better.

This book is easy to read and fast and it can give you the much needed kick in the pants if you follow it. Just remember there is no magic cure. Eat less, exercise more and you will lose weight. Twinkies, Doritos and diet sodas, will do you more harm them good. Clean out your cupboards and start eating healthier and in no time the weight will come off.

Since they push body confusion in this diet then make your own. Eat what you want one day and fast the next and so on and this is free.

Sep 15, 2012 rated it really liked it
I have tried diets in the past and only recall one working for me years ago when I was more athletic was T-Lite at Walgreens where you take supplements and follow a specific diet. My family and I lost tons of weight and got back in shape, but gradually went back to our old eating ways and less exercise, and gained it back plus more.

Now after holding this weight for many years, not close to my ideal weight, I was trying 'transitional diet' and didn't like it after a few days. I thought I could ne

I have tried diets in the past and only recall one working for me years ago when I was more athletic was T-Lite at Walgreens where you take supplements and follow a specific diet. My family and I lost tons of weight and got back in shape, but gradually went back to our old eating ways and less exercise, and gained it back plus more.

Now after holding this weight for many years, not close to my ideal weight, I was trying 'transitional diet' and didn't like it after a few days. I thought I could never eat starches, sugars, sweets, or breads again was an overkill for me! However, this diet does have some slight restrictions with the first cycle only and willing to try without his diet or food suggestions. I done this in the past but gets boring and sickening. However, I will follow the main foods I can/cannot eat per cycle. What I love is after the accelerated portion of cycle one to get your metabolism going, then you can gradually add your favorite foods back. Cycle 4 is picking your favorite cycle which mines would probably be 3, and then weekend is your strategically cheating where you can eat what you want! He slickly encourages exercise and like how he does it (17 min in morning and 17 later in the day).

I also liked how he added other cuisine dishes for those of other ethnic groups! I like Asian foods. (Read the book from library and may have to get my own copy soon). He also adds for those who are dealing with PMS, and can eat other foods our bodies crave and selective foods for cramps. Never read a diet book that gives other suggestions for even vegetarians, etc.

I am still trying to find a time I can really do the 17 days, when I read the cookbook and had an idea of the plan; unable to do it fully! Believing for willpower again to see some weight loss before end of the year.

Apr 05, 2011 rated it really liked it
I just won a copy of this book from Goodreads Firstreads. I don't usually read diet books, but I saw this one on Dr. Phil and it looks really interesting. My daughter is getting married soon, so I am going to try and lose some weight!
The concepts in the book are not revolutionary but Dr. Moreno's approach is simple and straightforward. The main idea is that people can stick to any plan if they only have to focus on it for a short period of time. There are four cycles in this diet and each cycle
I just won a copy of this book from Goodreads Firstreads. I don't usually read diet books, but I saw this one on Dr. Phil and it looks really interesting. My daughter is getting married soon, so I am going to try and lose some weight!
The concepts in the book are not revolutionary but Dr. Moreno's approach is simple and straightforward. The main idea is that people can stick to any plan if they only have to focus on it for a short period of time. There are four cycles in this diet and each cycle is 17 days in length (except for the last which is the way to maintain or "Arrive"). Cycle 1 involves lots of lean protein and veggies, very small amounts of fruits and probiotics. Cycle 2 widens the scope a little more. Cycle 3 introduces some natural starches. Cycle 4 is following the diet on week days and eating what you want, within reason, on the weekends. The great thing about all these different cycles is that there are not a lot of strict rules, counting calories, or using strange fake fat things.
I think it is totally doable and I am starting tomorrow. I will let you know of my progress.
Alex Kramer
I'm giving this book a lower rating than I would originally just because of something I found very irritating with the book. In chapter one the author is say how he is "speaking out because he cares." and I found what he was saying to be very offensive.

Ranging from quotes like: "When you're fit and in shape, you're much more datable." "You're marriage material if you're thin." "If you want a love life with great sex, lose the weight." "I hate fat discrimination. It's wrong. But this is the worl

I'm giving this book a lower rating than I would originally just because of something I found very irritating with the book. In chapter one the author is say how he is "speaking out because he cares." and I found what he was saying to be very offensive.

Ranging from quotes like: "When you're fit and in shape, you're much more datable." "You're marriage material if you're thin." "If you want a love life with great sex, lose the weight." "I hate fat discrimination. It's wrong. But this is the world we live in. It's not going to change anytime soon, so get over it. Lose weight and you won't have to deal with it." "Thing people look better, and like it or not, get paid more."

I am reading the book just because I am on this diet, it's very informational and very beneficial to help you losing weight and to help you with losing the weight. I just found it very irritating and offensive with the way certain things were worded. I would definitely still suggest it just if you are interested in the diet and want to see how it works out. Like I said, I'm currently on the diet and I've lost around 9 lbs already.

Mar 31, 2011 rated it it was ok
As I read through this book I liked some of the ideas that Dr. Moreno had. An example was starting up a walking group with his patients. Being more of a personable sort and actually care about his patients enough to do so. Another plus is all the information you would need to go on the diet really is in the book. Not too much thinking involved when all the meal plans are laid out for you. One thing to know is that it isn't just a 17 day diet and then done - it involves several cycles of that man As I read through this book I liked some of the ideas that Dr. Moreno had. An example was starting up a walking group with his patients. Being more of a personable sort and actually care about his patients enough to do so. Another plus is all the information you would need to go on the diet really is in the book. Not too much thinking involved when all the meal plans are laid out for you. One thing to know is that it isn't just a 17 day diet and then done - it involves several cycles of that many days. Some other things that I thought would be helpful for someone serious about the diet was that Dr Moreno even explained how to keep the diet going while on a trip, during the holidays, or even if your spouse is on a totally different eating routine (as in anything in sight!). This kind of reminds me of a class - especially with review at the end of each section! Lastly, glad to know 4 cups of coffee is still good for you - though perhaps not with the surgary creamer I dump in mine!! ...more
Jun 20, 2012 rated it really liked it
Did not like the writing style, it was hard to believe hes a doc due to the goof level. However, i have read rave reviews, & personally know someone on this plan who has lost 85#! The 1st 15, were on the 1st 17 day cycle. Several points: this is not a 17 day crash diet. This is a lifestyle change. It is also, essentially, the bare bones of what we should be eating, but dont. There are 3 17-day cycles, then a maintenance plan after youve learned to eat properly. He makes some claims in the beginn Did not like the writing style, it was hard to believe hes a doc due to the goof level. However, i have read rave reviews, & personally know someone on this plan who has lost 85#! The 1st 15, were on the 1st 17 day cycle. Several points: this is not a 17 day crash diet. This is a lifestyle change. It is also, essentially, the bare bones of what we should be eating, but dont. There are 3 17-day cycles, then a maintenance plan after youve learned to eat properly. He makes some claims in the beginning that have an info-mercial feel, & i am skeptical by nature, so that was a bit of a turn off. So here i am on day 3 sticking precisely to the plan. I am also using myfitnesspal.com to track my food & its essentially a 1200 cal diet. Im not hungry, my energy level is good, and ive lost 1# each day as promised. This is only the case in the first cycle btw, it will slow down in later cycles. Overall im enjoying it, & not finding hard to stick to. I do miss the carfbs & cocolate, but not the #'s i lost not eating it, so it evens out. ...more
Jan 02, 2017 rated it really liked it
Now that 2017 is underway, many of you may be thinking its a good time to turn over a new leaf and lose a few of those pounds that came with all the holiday desserts. If so, you might want to check out The 17 Day Diet. I've had this book for a while, and I've had some success with it, especially when I'm disciplined (and this was not the case of the holidays). The plan is made up of several levels that can be followed depending on the amount of weight one wants to lose.

In the initial level, the

Now that 2017 is underway, many of you may be thinking its a good time to turn over a new leaf and lose a few of those pounds that came with all the holiday desserts. If so, you might want to check out The 17 Day Diet. I've had this book for a while, and I've had some success with it, especially when I'm disciplined (and this was not the case of the holidays). The plan is made up of several levels that can be followed depending on the amount of weight one wants to lose.

In the initial level, the program encourages you to clean out your system by eating low-fat protein, such as chicken and fish with lots of "cleansing vegetables" such as green beans, broccoli, carrots, kale and low sugar fruits. It aims to cut out carbohydrates and sugar allowing you to burn fat. The plan lets you slowly incorporate more items into your diet once you reach your desired weight and it provides tips for helping you maintain your weight goals. It also has some useful menu plans so that the food doesn't become too boring and monotonous.

More reviews at: www.susannesbooklist.blogspot.com


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17 Day Diet Book Download

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